Fundraising With Candle Fundraisers                                            ... and more! 

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Serving the 48 lower States
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Easy Fundraising Ideas
​​Helping Organizations Raise Money Since 2002​​
Fundraising With Candle Fundraisers ● Contact: Deb Anderson ● Bookmark: ● Phone: (860) 384-3691 ● Email: ● Copyright © 2002 New Fundraising Ideas, all rights reserved

Earth Candles Fundraiser

50 percent profit fundraising
50 percent profit fundraiser

   Choosing the right fundraising idea:

Plan ahead!  Before diving in and beginning your marching band fundraiser, it is important to first consider the needs of your fundraising group, and the community you will be asking to support your band fundraiser.  Factors to consider include:

Pricing - Consider the economy of the local communities you and your participants will be fundraising in.  It is important that the products you will be selling will be affordable for those areas.  We have selected a variety of price points for your consideration.  Some brochures provide a range of prices, providing something for everyone.

Number of Sellers -  Be sure to consider the number of sellers and choose a fundraising program which will generate the greatest profit possible.  Consider minimums required to achieve free shipping, how many items you'll need to sell to reach your fundraising goal, or to meet the minimum number of items that may be required to submit an order.

Quality - Of course, all of our programs have been carefully chosen for you to assure you and your supporter's purchases will be appreciated for their high quality.  Choose our programs and you'll discover your supporters will be eager to participate in your next marching band fundraiser.  Fundraising sales can grow substantially in repeat years if you are selling the right products.  Candle fundraisers, for example, are known for repeating their fundraisers year after year.  Many groups who once sold only in the fall are now selling in the spring because their supporters are eager to purchase again and requesting another band fundraiser!  Supporter purchase the first time to support your fundraising efforts.  They come back and purchase a greater quantity the next time because they love the product.  

Percentage of Profit - Our goal is to do everything we can to assist you in earning as much money for your organization as possible.  In researching our recommendations for which fundraising programs to use we have purposefully selected programs that offer a minimum of at least 40% profit.  Some programs add tax, others add shipping.  We suggest you consider the size of your group to determine what your sales will need to be on average per person to qualify for free shipping.  A shipping fee may reduce your profit about 5% and that is okay as long as the percentage of profit being offered is higher.  For most programs, you have the option to collect additional money to cover the cost of shipping, if any.  Be sure to know if the program you are considering collects tax, and whether or not you qualify as state tax-exempt.  If not, you will want to consider collecting sales tax to keep your profit percentage high or whether you will deduct tax from your profit.  

Questions?  Call us at 860-384-3691 or 888-209-0613.  We are here to help you choose the best fundraising idea for your marching band fundraiser.

2  Planning Ahead and Getting Organized:

Successful fundraisers are achieved when an organization is well organized, has a fundraising plan, and coordinates responsibilities and expectations of the participants, the parents, the fundraising coordinators, coaches, staff, teachers, extended family, and friends. By coordinating and teaming your participants, their parents, friends, and extended family with your coaches, teachers, staff, and your community a very successful fundraiser can easily be achieved.  Coaching tips to guide you include:

Determine a sales goal and based upon the fundraising idea you've chosen how many items will you need to require each participant to sell.  Simply saying to your participants "try your best," "see what you can do," or "sell as many as you can" will not assure a successful fundraiser.  Determine how the funds to be raised will be used and be absolutely certain that you communicate why you are fundraising to your participants and their parents.  Unless you have determined, clearly, why you are fundraising and communicated how those funds will be used, it will be difficult for your sellers and parents to find value in why they need to participate.  Additionally, do the math, determine a minimum number of items each participant must sell, and tell each seller they are expected to sell that minimum.  Communicate those expectations clearly and repeatedly throughout your fundraiser with reminders.  Include that message at your fundraiser kick-off, in your fundraising cover letter, in school announcements, at a team practice etc.

Plan an incentive program to increase your sales.  It is important to motivate your participants and their parents.  Your objective should be to motivate many to sell the minimum number of items you require rather than motivating a few who try to be a top seller.  We have had years of success in encouraging organizations to plan celebration events for the participant who sell a minimum number of items.  You can ask your community to donate free pizza, ice cream, discounted tickets to a movie, bowling party, laser tag etc in trade for free advertising in your cover letter, newsletters, announcements, etc.   Your organization, large or small, can plan a celebration party, inviting those who have sold a minimum number of items.  Other ideas include a movie and popcorn night, a game night, a dance.  The possibilities are endless. People love social events and don't want to miss out an opportunity to have fun with their friends. And the best part is that a celebrating party is fair.  You no longer have to have kids who have sold a large volume not being recognized if they fell short of the top 3 top seller prizes, or a student who sold their heart out but the class was not the winning class for a pizza party, or a student who sold a lot but didn't win in the chance drawing.  

Establish a team of volunteers to assist with promotion, collecting money, coordinating a prize program, distribution of your products and pick-up day.  Be sure to clearly define and communicate their responsibilities throughout your marching band fundraiser.

Create a calendar to include important dates including your kick-off date, reminder dates, collection dates, and distribution dates.  Don't forget to include other details such as when you will write your cover letter, coordinate a prize incentive, submit tax exemption certificate, complete any required paperwork needed by the fundraising company or your treasurer, dates that may be required to tally your order, to inventory your delivery, etc.

Be organized with a list of names and email addresses to communicate with your fundraising team, utilize newsletters, social media, websites to promote your fundraiser.  Keep promoting, reminding, and keep everyone informed about the status of your fundraiser.

3  Motivate your Band Fundraiser Participants and Volunteers:

Getting your sellers committed and motivated to start is important.  Keeping them that way throughout your marching band fundraiser is equally as important.   A few helpful tips include:

Be sure your participants know they are accountable for their individual sales.  It is too easy for a seller to feel they are "too busy" or that that they are only one person in the crowd and that what they do or don't do really matters.  But therein lies the secret to success!  Sales achieved by each participant matters immensely and creating accountability and some competition along the way makes all the difference.  Track sales at points throughout your fundraiser.  Put up a poster board with your sellers names and list the number of items sold up to that point, offer an incentive for early sales, create a racetrack on the wall for each student to move forward their own decorated car as they progress to the finish line, etc.  Shout out announcements on morning announcements, at team meetings, in newsletters, weekly emails, social media posts for sellers who surpass mid point milestones.  Being recognized by your peers, teachers, and coaches is very motivating.

Reach out to your parents, teachers, principals, coaches etc and remind them as well to keep motivating your sellers, talking about the fundraiser, and reminding them how the funds will be used.  Remember the saying "out of sight, out of mind"?  Avoid at all cost just passing out the brochures and saying "see what you can do" and then waiting for the sellers to turn order forms back in.

Stay focused on your goals but don't forget to have fun.  Working together positively with your volunteers is extremely important.   Avoid tension and keep everything relaxed.  Show appreciation for your volunteers help and remember they are volunteering too!  There is a lot to accomplish and you'll appreciate everyone's support. 

Send home a thank you note to each of your participants, and your supporters for their donations.  Consider taking late orders.  You'll be surprised how many people will love their products and decide to purchase more!

Wishing you great success!

Deb Murray


Why Choose Fundraising With Candle Fundraisers?  (We've grown from our early days to provide you with more  programs!)

LaTeeDa Candle Fundraiser

* Is your middle school or high school band interested in fresh, new ideas for successful marching band fundraising and unique marching band fundraising ideas for marching bands fundraisers or marching band fundraisers?  As many of you are well aware, marching bands, choirs, and other music groups are often in need of financial support to sustain musical programs, fund competitions and concerts, cover travel costs for marching band trips, and pay for instruments, marching band uniforms and training tools.

*  Annually, marching band fundraising campaigns help fund music programs in middle schools, high schools, colleges, universities, and a variety of social organizations.  Additionally, marching bands are extremely important for schools, universities, and many other settings.  They are the epicenter of school spirit and make many moments unforgettable. Marching bands perform during football games, high school bands get students excited at pep rallies, homecoming celebrations, and there are plenty of band concerts that entertain students, parents, and faculty.

* Whether you are associated with a marching band, school orchestra, or a school choir, musical programs provide a nurturing opportunity for personal growth, self-discipline, and for developing creativity.  Musical education programs provide much more than learning to play an instrument.  They provide a safe place for children to develop self-esteem, friendships, how to express themselves, and to become a confident young adult.  To that end, marching band funding is imperative and programs can not succeed without adequate funding.  Most marching band organizations rely on participation in fundraising programs and finding the right fundraising idea is extremely important.

* Fundraising With Candle Fundraisers has years of experience helping marching bands associated with a wide variety of public and private schools, colleges and universities, bands large and small to hold fundraisers for uniforms, band equipment, travel money etc.  Your marching band can customize your own program and choose which products you wish to sell. You can select to sell candles, aroma beads, fragrance gels, accessories, cookie dough, flowers, etc.  Many marching bands will decide to sell in the fall and again in the spring.  Our program is very seasonal and works wonderfully for the fall/winter and spring/summer seasons.  You choose which will work best for your next marching band fundraiser!

* Depending upon whether or not your marching band fundraiser is tax-exempt you can earn up to 50% profit or greater.  If your band is not tax-exempt you can opt to collect additional money to cover your tax. 

* Whether you are looking for a small marching band fundraiser or a band fundraiser for an entire school district, we can work with any size group.  With no minimums required for most of our programs, no organization is too large or too small.

 Fundraising With Candle Fundraisers offers a variety of shipping options. Ideal for marching band fundraising our programs provide options for presorting by seller, making distribution a breeze! Our easy to achieve, FREE Shipping, is very fast and allows your band to be able to hold a marching band fundraiser and receive delivery in time for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Mother's Day, end of the season etc.

* You have the option to also pre-order our products in advance to sell at your team games.

* Our products are consumable making our marching band fundraisers very easy to repeat! Your supporters will be eager and welcome future fundraisers so they can replenish their supply of candles and food items.

* Our Food items require no refrigeration or freezer and your distribution easy with no "delivery window" required.

* Brochures are free with a minimum purchase so there are no required upfront costs to your team.

* Late orders are always welcomed! With no minimums, you won't have to worry about those straggler orders coming in after you've submitted your order!

* If you are planning now for future fundraisers we recognize that in most cases you will be planning well in advance.  Fall brochures are usually available by March, spring brochures by October.  You may request information packets in advance and they will be shipped to you as soon as they become available.

*  If you're looking for new marching band fundraising ideas choose Fundraising With Candle Fundraisers!

Marching Band Fundraisers - Best Ideas to Raise Money

Crazy about Cookies Fundraisers

Home for the Holidays Fundraiser

heritage candles Earth Candles fundraisers

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​Nationally recognized top seller since 2002

cookie dough fundraising
Marching Band Fundraiser Ideas

Helpful Tips and Ideas

50 percent profit fundraising
home for the holidays christmas fundraiser
Deb Murray national fundraising distributor

Marching ​Band Fundraising ideas

50 percent profit fundraising
​​Simply the best in candle fundraiser offering Premium Soy Blend Candles, Aroma Beads, Fragrance Gels, and Accessories.  Offering 50% Profit fundraising, FREE Brochures, FREE Pre-sorting by Seller, Risk Free with no Minimums, No Case Requirements, Fast Shipping via FedEx.  Everyone loves candle fundraisers!
Once known as Home Interiors Candle Fundraiser, and Celebrating Home Fundraising Candle Fundraising, we are still the same company but with a new name, La-Tee-Da!  50% Profit, FREE Brochures and Presorting,  No Minimums, No Case Requirements.
LaTeeDa Candle Fundraisers

Everyone loves candles!  Offers 50% Profit with a wonderful variety of 18 candle scents for your candle fundraiser.  Easy to achieve free shipping, no minimums or cases required. Free Brochures and fast shipping.

Fundraising With Candle Fundraisers has specially designed our fundraising programs to match the needs of today's School Band Fundraisers and Marching Band Fundraisers.  With the decrease in funding  and increase in operating costs we offer simple and easy band fundraisers that are effective, and will exceed your Marching Band's fundraising goal!  We've worked with marching bands all across the US for more than 13 years as Celebrating Home Fundraising, originating as Home Interiors Fundraising,  Home and Garden Party Fundraising, and La-Tee-Da! Fundraising. Through the years, we continue to search for and offer the best fundraising programs available to you.  We look forward to helping you with your next Marching Band Fundraiser!

Offering a variety of Cookie Dough Fundraising options including $10 scoop and bake cookie dough tubs, pre-portioned cookie dough,  or a variety in one brochure!  Arrives shelf stable for 21 days so no rush to be frozen or refrigerated. Low Minimums, Earn up to 50% Profit!
Offering six 12 oz. Home for the Holiday Canning Jars.  Can be combined with the Earth Candles Brochure to offer 24 candle scents!  The all natural wax and upscale fragrances create wonderful aromas that are perfect for your home or holiday gifting. 
50 percent profit fundraising

      For over 13 years, I have a proven success record working with thousands of groups across the U.S. and I'm ready to help you.
       You'll receive FREE fundraising brochures and FREE Shipping opportunities with all fundraising programs. 
      Only the best, high quality, high profit, and easy to sell fundraising programs are offered.
      You'll have the opportunity to work with the same representative throughout your fundraiser from start to finish.
      When you need help we'll be here to help you with extended evening and weekend office hours.  

Classic Home Candle Fundraiser​

Celebrating Home Candle Fundraiser